It’s the most important part of your pool — the part you’ll see every day for the rest of your life. That’s why we pay so much attention to the quality of Hydra Vinyl Pool Liners. We know your pool liner has to do more than just look good through years of sun, water, chlorine, ultraviolet light, heat and cold, as well as everyday wear. It has to fit perfectly. No wrinkles, No bulges, Not now. Not ever. It has to be as trouble-free years from now as it is today. The material has to be the best available. Seams have to be sealed absolutely water-tight. Hydra uses the most advanced high-technology equipment, improved construction techniques, and materials that only the space age could create. So while many pool liners are warranted for ten years or less, ours is warranted for a full 20 years, on a prorated basis. (Ask your pool dealer for details.)